
  • Where is the store based?


    Morrow, GA


  • What is this store's return and exchange policy?


    All sales are final.


  • Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?


    Yes! We now accept international orders!


  • How long will it take to receive my order?


    All orders are made to order with a 3-5 day turnaround time. Shipping is 2 Day Priority.

     Please understand that USPS delays can affect turnaround times.

  • Will my butters melt?


    Because our product is made of natural ingredients, it may soften or melt during warm weather.

    It is best to place in a cool area or refrigerate before opening, this will avoid the oils spilling out and making a mess!


    The volume may look decreased after melting, due to it going from a buttery state to a liquid state.

    We will try our best to package our products in a way to limit the melting process but we can not guarantee that this will not happen when items are kept in warm delivery trucks, warm mailboxes or on doorsteps in extremely warm weather.

    Thank you for your understanding!


  • Do you wholesale?



    **All wholesale orders get a 50% discount on our standard retail rates for all products EXCEPT samples.

    **All orders placed require a minimum wholesale purchase of $350. This means in order to receive the 50% discount, the shopping cart total should be at or exceed $700 of the standard priced retail items.

    **Our standard shipping TAT of 3-5 days will still apply. Larger orders may require 14 days to fill and ship. Additional communication will take place if this is the case.